After we had Malie, Josh and I as a couple decided that one was good and we were happy with just the one little love fart that we have. I have felt that way for a few years now and still do pretty much. There have been plenty of people letting us know that we will change our minds and have more, but will we really ever? The answer is yes and no for me. Josh is a big no! I can't help that when I see a prego belly or a new baby that I feel that I would love to have another one. That I could go through everything all over again and Malie could be a big sister. Which by the way she would be great, I can already picture her touching my big ole belly. Which is why I am torn. Part of me wants that for her and us, but than again I do love the way our life is now. Life is easier as a family of three. If you include our puppers it's four. I like the thought of only having to provide for one and giving my best to one and not split my time and wish I had more time with each child. But I would if it happened! With cancer being a part of our life it is another thing to think about too. So for now I do think one is enough. I like that she is my little buddy and I hope that I can keep it that way, she gets my time and I like that we can read as many books as we want and do what we want, within reason. I know that she gets more than say a child would if they had siblings but I don't see her as a spoiled child. We say no a lot and try to teach her that you have to earn the fun/nice things. You don't just get them for acting like a butthead! I recently read an article about only children or siblings and they posed a great question " Would you be happier?" So simple but my answer is I don't think so, I am happy now. Would I be happy if another child were in the picture too, of course, but I don't need the excuse of it making me happier to have another. I am hoping though to get another puppy though!
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