Now there are many experiences one can draw on and find what you have learned from them. I would choose becoming a mother, but to be honest I am learning new things all the time, mostly about how to slow down and enjoy her, time has gone to fast already.
Silly Monkey!
But some of my easier experience to show as an example are these ones:
1. Moving on from a relationship
It started out great as they all usually do, we were in love, yada yada, it was a young and insecure love that became and unhealthy relationship. Through the experience of removing myself from him I learned to grow up, gained self confidence, and my expectations changed. I choose to no longer put up with the bullshit that I have previously allowed myself to. What came of it? Well my husband and daughter. Not that our relationship has always been peachy, but through the years we have made it through some tough times including Cancer twice and hopefully no more!! That is experience in and of itself and would take another post to write about. We made it through those times by telling each other the truth even if it hurt. Pushing one another to be the best of themselves and a lot of silliness and love, unconditional love. I remember making the conscious decision to walk away from that relationship, and it was hard and very painful but I remember feeling some relief and excitement at the thought that I could find myself a little more now, see what I was made of without him. And I did and I like who I have become. I don't look to my husband now for my own happiness he is a great additive to it, but he wants me to find it for myself.
2. Friendships
I grew up an only child therefore my friends have always been my family. With all of them having at least one sibling I am not sure they have felt the same drive that I used to have. And that was to feel like family to them too. I didn't do it intentionally, for one I am a people person I can get along with just about anyone and I will really try too. It also isn't something that I did consciously either. I never remember hanging out with my friends and thinking " I have to be there everything!" (muaw hahaha). The only way that I knew that I felt this way was when a close friend of mine became close friends with someone else. I started to feel that my friendship was not longer up to par for them and I wondered what I even brought to the table in a friendship. It really surprised me when I started to feel this way because I had never felt it before. So why now? Obviously I needed to learn something. Now however I do not feel this way. I learned that I should not seek the ultimate approval from anyone but myself. I know what I can bring to the table and just because they may be something to me, doesn't always mean that I am the same thing to them. Everyone has different needs from different people. I have many close friends all of whom I love for who they are and different reasons. I may be more vocal about how I feel about them being in my life sometimes but that doesn't me that I am not important to them. So when I express my thanks for them being in my life or telling a friend that I love them and when the say it back it's awesome! But even if they don't, no biggie at least they know that they are important to me. I am not going to stop being who I am and caring for someone else just because they do things differently.
So I guess what it's all about is being you. Be considerate of others and definitely understanding too. Live your best life and good things will come your way. Any experience that gets thrown your way look at it and say "what am I supposed to learn from this." And if you don't learn it the first time I'm sure it will be taught again! What you put out is what you will get.
Sorry for the long post, you can thank Oprah for that one! Goodnight :)
It's a big world out there, don't be afraid to take off and fly.