I know that I have really strong people around me such as my husband and my bestie Ashley. People I have always known were strong and can get through anything, but it is amazing to see it. One of my best friends for about about 15 years had her very first baby. A baby boy and it was a hard labor and she pushed for about 5 1/2 hours not to mention being induced the day before. Beckett made his arrival though and is so adorable. He was in the NICU because of fluid in his lungs and seeing the strength of an exhausted and sore mother walking down to see him and spend as much time with him as possible is beautiful. Being in the room and watching her move to be by his side at all times made me proud. I am older than Erin my best friend by 5 days, not much but I got married first and had a child first and so when you see your friends starting to do these things its pretty cool, and I had to fight back the tears. I was so proud of her, not that I ever had a thought of her being a bad mom, she has always been great with kids. She was there for me in a time that was really hard for me when my parents divorced. Her family became like my family and I loved going to their house.I loved being around her because we were so silly and we probably drove her parents crazy. So this same girl who helped me out by being a really great friend has grown into a wife and now a mom. I hope she knows I will always be there for her just the way she was for me, and I haven't forgotten that. I may have lost my way and we may have lost a bit of a connection but I know I could count on her. I'm grateful to have strong people around me.
So today I am just thankful and grateful for these people! that is all for today. Thanks for listening, whoever is listening to my emotional blabber.
Thought I'd put a dumb picture of myself to lighten up this post a bit!